Category Results for: Wine Blogging Wednesday


Wine Blogging Wednesday #53: Wine for Breakfast!

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Don’t be misled by the title of this post. We are not advocating that you drink wine with your breakfast in the morning. However, if you are like us, there are times when you are in the mood for breakfast foods at dinner time. And since we like to enjoy a glass or two of […]

Filed under: American Wine, Five-Bangs For Your Buck Wines, Gewurztraminer, Washington State Wine, White Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines Under $10 |


Wine Blogging Wednesday #52: Value Reds from Chile

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Our host for the December edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, the blogosphere’s monthly virtual wine tasting event, is Tim Lemke of Cheap Wine Ratings. Tim selected Value Reds from Chile as the theme with these parameters, “The rules are any red wine from Chile for $20 or less. If you can find a really good […]

Filed under: Cabernet Sauvignon, Chilean Wine, Five-Bangs For Your Buck Wines, Red Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines Under $10 |


Wine Blogging Wednesday #51: Baked Goods

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

The November edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, the blogosphere’s monthly virtual wine tasting event, is hosted by Joe Roberts of 1WineDude. Joe selected Baked Goods as this month’s theme in which he asks us to select a wine that has been deliberately heated, or Madeirized. Since he also left the door open for us to […]

Filed under: Dessert Wine, Five-Bangs For Your Buck Wines, Fortified Wine, Lesser Known Varietals, Spanish Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines Under $20, Wines Under $25 |


Wine Blogging Wednesday #50: Which wine, which wilderness?

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

Our host for the October edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, the blogosphere’s monthly virtual wine tasting event, is Russ Beebe of Winehiker Witiculture. Since Russ is an experienced wine tasting host and hiking guide, it’s no surprise that his theme asked us to get out and enjoy some time in the Great Outdoors and then […]

Filed under: American Wine, Malbec, Red Wine, Vineyards, Washington State Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines Over $25 |


Wine Blogging Wednesday #48: Back to Your Roots

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

This month’s edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday marks the fourth anniversary of the blogosphere’s monthly virtual wine tasting event. Our host is none other than the founder of WBW himself, Lenn Thompson of LENNDEVOURS. In celebration, he has asked us to go back to our wine drinking roots and revisit a wine from our past, […]

Filed under: American Wine, Riesling, Washington State Wine, White Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines NOT To Buy (1 & 2 Star), Wines Under $10 |


Wine Blogging Wednesday #47: Today’s Wine Brought To You By The Letter “S”

Wednesday, July 9th, 2008

Our hosts for the July edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, the blogosphere’s monthly virtual wine tasting event, are Erin and Michelle of the Canadian wine blog Grape Juice. They selected a very fun and original theme, Today’s Wine Brought To You By The Letter “S”, that takes us back to our childhood and days of […]

Filed under: American Wine, Australian Wine, California Wine, New Zealand Wine, Sauvignon Blanc, Washington State Wine, White Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines Under $10, Wines Under $20, Wines Under $25 |


Wine Blogging Wednesday Updates

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Earlier this month, Dr. Debs of Good Wine Under $20 hosted the 46th edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday. Our theme was Rhone Whites and we were to choose, drink, and write about wines made from one or more of the classic white grape varieties of the Rhone Valley in France (see our post). Over 40 […]

Filed under: Wine Blogging Wednesday |


Wine Blogging Wednesday #46: Rhone Whites

Wednesday, June 11th, 2008

Our host for the June edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, the blogosphere’s monthly virtual wine tasting event, is Dr. Debs of Good Wine Under $20. She has selected Rhone Whites as our theme. With the warm summer weather coming soon (hopefully), many of us will be looking to enjoy some nice white wines. Excellent options […]

Filed under: American Wine, French Wine, Lesser Known Varietals, Viognier, Washington State Wine, White Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines NOT To Buy (1 & 2 Star), Wines Under $15, Wines Under $20, Wines Under $25 |


Wine Blogging Wednesday #45: Old World Riesling

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008

Tim Elliott of Winecast is our host for this month’s edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday. He selected his favorite white variety, Riesling, as our subject. However, we were not to drink just any Riesling but specifically Riesling from the Old World, from places such as Germany, Austria, or France’s Alsace region. This area of the […]

Filed under: German Wine, Riesling, White Wine, Wine Blogging Wednesday, Wines Under $15, Wines Under $20, Wines Under $25 |


WBW: #44 Roundup and Looking Ahead to #45

Thursday, May 1st, 2008

Last month, Gary Vaynerchuk of Wine Library TV hosted the 44th edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday. Over 50 bloggers participated. They all drank and wrote about French Cabernet Franc (see our post). Check out the links to all of the participants’ posts in the WBW Forum on WLTV. In less than a week, the wine […]

Filed under: Wine Blogging Wednesday |