Trade Samples

If you are interested in sending us wine, wine books, or other wine-related products to review, please Contact Us.

By sending us anything for review, you understand and acknowledge the following conditions of your submission:

  1. There is no guarantee that we will review your product.
  2. There is no guarantee that the review will be positive if we do review your product.
  3. We will make full disclosure that this product is a trade sample if we comment on it in our blog.

Tasting Procedures

Our review of wine trade samples is conducted under carefully controlled and consistent procedures.

We ask that you send two (2) bottles of each wine submitted. Also, please include tech sheets and suggested retail prices for the wines.

  1. When wine is received, it is sacked up and coded by a member of the Wine Peeps team not involved in the tasting and evaluation process.
  2. All tastings are blind. The varietal and country and/or state of origin are known but the producer and price are not.
  3. Whenever possible, wines are tasted in peer groups.
  4. Tastings are normally scheduled for late morning.
  5. The same tasting room is used each time for consistency and in order to taste under as close to optimal conditions as is possible.
  6. If a bottle appears corked or exhibits another flaw, the second bottle is tasted.
  7. Our chief taster, Kori, will assign a Quality rating, and our numbers guy, John, will calculate the QPR (quality-to-price ratio) rating. See Wine Ratings for a complete explanation of our ratings system.