Category Results for: Wine Shops


One-Stop Beverage Shops: Total Wine and BevMo Come to Washington State

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

With the passing of I-1183 and the state now out of the liquor business, beverage consumers in Washington State are finally in the driver’s seat. Now, we have a marketplace where competition will dictate selection and price. In addition to grocery stores and other established local wine retailers getting into the spirits business, two large […]

Filed under: American Wine, Washington State Wine, Wine Shops |


Wine World Warehouse: The Largest Wine Shop in the Northwest

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

If there is a more excited guy in Seattle today than Lenny Rede, he must literally be flying. Rede, the Operations Manager of the new Wine World Warehouse just off of I-5 at NE 45th Street in Seattle’s Wallingford neighborhood, could hardly contain himself as he gave us a tour of their new wine superstore […]

Filed under: General Wine Information, Washington State Wine, Wine Shops |