Book Review: A Year of Wine
By John ~ June 12th, 2009.
It has been quite a year for NYU Professor Tyler Colman. A Year of Wine: Perfect Pairings, Great Buys, and What to Sip for Each Season is his second book, he writes the popular Dr. Vino wine blog, and he is in demand as a speaker and interview subject. Kori reviewed his first book, Wine Politics, last fall.
While this book is geared more for the wine novice than the wine geek, it contains a wealth of information on a variety of wine topics that any wine enthusiast will find helpful. Colman starts out by giving some basics about wine and shares his approach to evaluating wines by style, or flavor profile, rather than by varietal.
The guts of the book, as the title suggests, is a year of wine organized one month at a time, with suggestions for wines to try in different seasons as well as offering food pairings. My favorite part of each chapter is his suggestion for a wine travel destination each month. Since I read this book on my recent trip to South Africa, I paid particular attention to his August travel section which featured South Africa.
While his first book, Wine Politics, contained some interesting information, it read like a PhD dissertation, which it was. This book is a much better read, provides a lot of great information, and flows like a good book should. I really liked it and encourage you to pick up a copy for yourself.
Have you already read A Year of Wine? If so, what did you think of it?
Filed under: Wine Books
I really love this book, it is an easy read and very interesting.