Wine Peeps News: New Facebook Page
By Kori ~ July 7th, 2009.
Whether you are reading this on our Wine Peeps site, via RSS, email, or some other medium, we thank you. We work hard to provide interesting, competent content and are always looking for more ways to interact with our readers.
In January, I joined Twitter and have been tweeting regularly ever since. Twitter has been an excellent way to engage in the wine blogging community as well as interact with readers and fellow wine lovers in an informal atmosphere (in short, 140 character messages). In addition to tweets announcing new Wine Peeps blog posts, I tweet about other wine-related things that I am doing or that are on my mind as well as random non-wine things from time to time just to keep things interesting. If you are on Twitter, please Follow Me if you are not already.
We recently created a new Wine Peeps page on Facebook as yet another avenue to connect with our readers and create a sense of community. While we do import our posts and occasionally post a status update that is the same as something I’ve tweeted, we are also asking questions and sharing other things on Facebook that we are not posting elsewhere. Over the weekend, we passed 100 fans and were able to get our own vanity URL, Many thanks to all of you who are already fans! For those of you who are not fans yet, we encourage you to join us and Become a Fan. And we hope that all of you will tell your friends about us.
In addition to Twitter and Facebook, I am also on a couple of other social networking sites. I invite you to Friend Me on OpenWine Consortium and LinkedIn, too.
Obviously, we hope that you will visit Wine Peeps directly and comment on our posts here; however, we welcome the opportunity to connect on any or all of these social networking sites as well.
Filed under: Announcements