Wine Peeps Top 10 Posts of 2011

By John ~ January 4th, 2012.

As we begin a new year, it’s time for us to reflect on our body of work in 2011, what we’ve done well and where we can improve in 2012. If you have some suggestions, please tell us.

When you’ve written as many posts as we have this past year, it is quite a project to review them all and pick a Top 10. The ten we selected are not necessarily our personal favorites, although some certainly are, but the ones that generated the most interest and discussion among our readers, not just on our Wine Peeps website, but on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter as well.

In reviewing the posts that made the Top 10 as well as those that barely missed, it is obvious that our regular features such as Wine Tasting Dinners, A Wine for Tonight, Challenging Wine Pairings, Women of Washington Wine, and the Wine Word of the Week remain very popular with our readers.

So, without further ado, here are our Top 10 posts for 2011, listed in chronological order from oldest to most recent:

Filed under: Best of

Reader's Comments

  1. TheGourmetCoffeeGuy | January 4th, 2012 at 8:58 pm

    From your top 10 list, my favorite was “Challenging Wine Pairing: Hot Dogs.” Definitely took much creativity to come up with that pairing and it was very interesting!

  2. John | January 5th, 2012 at 6:29 am

    Thanks. We liked it, too!